10 Oct 2011

20/20 extends its presence at Newark Liberty International Airport

New Jersey, USA – Gentrack, a leading provider of airport management solutions, announced today the successful deployment of its latest 20/20 Resource Management System solution for ticket counters. The solution provides the airport’s operations team with powerful real-time decision support capability and also long term planning and capacity simulation. In addition to extending the RMS solution, a new Wi-Fi 20/20 Mobile Operations solution has also been deployed.
These new deployments extend Newark Liberty’s range of 20/20 solutions, which includes their already installed AODB (Airport Operational Database), RMS Stands/Gates as well as BIDS (baggage information display system).20/20 General Manager Nigel Farley is very pleased with the result of the project. “It is fantastic to complete the implementation of this comprehensive and sophisticated range of solutions. The new Ticket Counter decision support and long term planning systems enable the Newark Airport team to plan the optimal use of their ticket counters in advance, as well as cope with unexpected fluctuations in customer numbers at the ticket counter in real-time.”An exciting aspect of this deployment is its mobile operation capability. Wirelessly activated, the solution enables airport staff to update and address ticket counter resource issues from anywhere in the terminal via iPod Touch devices.

Farley continued, “An international airport is a dynamic environment where situations are constantly changing and airport staff need to have the resources to cope with whatever situations arise. When ticket counter issues occur, our solutions enable Newark’s staff to take immediate and appropriate action, wherever they are in the terminal.”

Newark is the largest city in the state of New Jersey and is one of the United States’ major air, shipping and rail hubs. In 2010, Newark Liberty Airport saw more than 33 million passengers travel through its gates.


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