22 Dec 2021

For the water industry, investing in innovation and technological transformation isn’t a choice, it’s a need.

By Richard Longbottom – Water Executive Team, Gentrack

Following on from Utility Week’s recent look ahead to what the water industry faces in 2022, Gentrack’s water expert Richard Longbottom shares his thoughts in our latest blog post.

Utility Week outlines several important statements of intent from water companies in response to the newly passed Environment Act. Delivery of ambitious short and long terms plans will require significant investment, not only in assets, but also systems. Those systems will have to support levels of performance across customer service, water leakage and pollutions.

More than ever, there’s a need to run a lean, efficient and data driven customer, supply and networks focused business – one which understands the measures that turn statements of intent into action and results. Let’s not also forget that customers must sit right at the centre of all this.

So, what does this all mean for the average water consumer? As a customer myself I think my needs are relatively simple: I want my supplier to care about the environment, I want clean water to arrive when I turn on the tap, I want an accurate bill, and in all honesty, I want my communication with the supplier to be limited. But if I ever do need to get in touch, I expect a great customer service experience and choice in how I contact them. It doesn’t sound like too much to ask, does it? 

So, to my original point, investment in systems isn’t really a choice, it’s a need, and it’s good news that the leaders who contributed to this article recognise that. Managing the end-to-end service, water leakage and pollution is critical, but so is the investment in innovative technology to deliver on future environmental and customer objectives.

At Gentrack we recognise that the need for innovation in technology and systems to support a diverse water (and wider utilities) market has never been greater. We have ambitious product roadmaps and plans to hold innovation roundtables with our water customers in 2022. Our focus is on ensuring Gentrack technology can help the water industry deliver the technological transformation it requires to meet the needs of customers and of the sustainable energy era.

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