23 Aug 2010

Gentrack deploys new Resource Management System at London City Airport

23 August 2010: Gentrack, developer of the 20/20 Airport Management System, announced today the successful deployment of its Resource Management System (RMS) at London City Airport. 

Airport 20/20 solutions have been used at London City Airport since 1998 and following an extensive systems review last year, the decision was made to upgrade its 20/20 Airport Operational Database and Flight Information Display System to the latest versions along with an extension to the system to include the 20/20 RMS and Airport Billing solutions.

The 20/20 RMS solution was implemented over a 3 month period and will assist London City Airport to optimize the use of its airport resources including gates and stands, a necessity according to Nigel Farley, Airport 20/20 General Manager, as preparations continue for the 2012 London Olympics.

“We are very pleased with the success of this project” said Farley. “The 20/20 RMS is designed to offer real value to airports, giving them the flexibility to adapt to changing stand configurations and to schedule changes quickly and efficiently. This is particularly important for London City Airport where they are expecting a significant increase in flights and passenger numbers over the next few years.”

London City Airport has invested in several new systems recently, including an Electronic Flight Progress Strips (EFPS) system for more efficient Air Traffic Control operations. The 20/20 RMS will soon be integrated with the EFPS system to provide more accurate and timely information to airport staff regarding aircraft movements and flight delays.

The implementation of the 20/20 Aeronautical Billing solution is now underway as an extension to the 20/20 suite of solutions. Other 20/20 solutions in use at London City Airport include the 20/20 IATA Message Handler, Staff Intranet, iGate and iCheck-in.

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