14 Oct 2013

Gentrack Velocity Software Launched with new Self-service Web-portal and Executive Dashboard

Gentrack, winner of the Best Business Operating Internationally ($10-50million) at the 2013 New Zealand International Business Awards, is pleased to announce the latest release of its leading Gentrack Velocity billing and CRM software for utilities.

WINNER-HALLMARK_2013_GOLD_RGBThe new product follows 12 months of extensive R&D, designing an intuitive web-portal solution for utilities engaging in self-service and a new KPI dashboard for busy utility executives.  While many energy companies have already embarked on self-service as a means of reducing cost to serve, water utilities in Australia and the UK are now looking to extend their online service offering as customers’ expectations and digital behaviours are aligned with Social Media, mobile devices and other online service offerings according to Gentrack CTO Terry Maude.

“We’ve witnessed a shift in utilities looking to engage with customers online.  Our energy retail customers have invested significantly in online self-service and mobile apps to support the evolution of smart metering and e-billing. We’re now experiencing a shift amongst water utilities to leverage Gentrack Velocity’s web services to enable commercial customers to easily view billing and account information online and on smart devices, with a range of digital payment options to improve revenue collection. The benefit we offer to utilities though our new GenPortal product is that it’s available off-the-shelf as a module of the Velocity billing and CRM platform.”
Eliminating the typical integration effort required for back-end systems and web portals, GenPortal is designed on a set of proven web services, delivering essential self-service capabilities off-the-shelf.

“We’ve essentially taken the pain out of integrating core self-service components. Our objective was to provide utilities with a portal product for their commercial customers that could easily be deployed alongside or within an existing website framework.  We’ve achieved this with the first release of the product which now means that any existing or new utilities in our core markets can extract additional value from their investment in Gentrack Velocity, not but least driving down costs to serve and utilising a digital channel aligned with customers’ expectations.”

In addition to the GenPortal product available within Gentrack Velocity, the latest release also boasts a new KPI dashboard for busy utility executives.  Intuitive and configurable in design the new Dashboard provides a snapshot of the utility’s operational performance, providing graphical KPI’s covering billing, collections, data management, customer service and campaign performance. The role based dashboard is a fundamental tool for utility executives and is smart device ready running across iOS and Android devices.

“We set out to deliver a dashboard component within Gentrack Velocity that effectively provides a near real-time snapshot of the utility’s operational performance.  Like GenPortal, the dashboard is designed around a set of web services that deliver the dashboard data and traffic light indicators on key operational KPIs. Executives can also configure the KPI display components with relevant parameters for performance alerts.”

The appeal of Gentrack Velocity as a proven, low risk and value based billing and CRM solution for energy and water utilities continues to grow internationally. Gentrack most recently won contracts to implement its Gentrack Velocity water billing and CRM solution at Sembcorp Bournemouth Water in the UK and Barwon Water in Victoria Australia.

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