03 Apr 2017

Notice pursuant to NZX Main Board Listing Rule 7.12.1

In accordance with NZX Main Board Listing Rule 7.12.1, Gentrack Group Limited (Gentrack) advises that the following Gentrack securities have been issued today:

Class of Security: Ordinary shares in Gentrack (Shares)
Number issued: 1,459,371
Issue price: NZ$3.65 per share
Payment: £3 million (NZ$5,326,704.15)
Amount paid up (if not in full): Fully paid ordinary shares
Principal terms of the Securities: All shares rank equally with existing Shares
Percentage of the total Class of Securities issued: 1.7% (post-allotment)
Reasons for issue: Shares issued to Junifer founders / executives (Recipients) pursuant to subscription agreement.
Specific authority for issue: Board resolution dated 28 March 2017
Terms or details of issue: The Shares issued will be credited as fully paid, and rank in all respects equally with the ordinary shares on issue.

The Recipients are required to hold the Shares for a minimum of two years, subject to limited exceptions.

Total number of Securities of the Class in existence after the issue: 83,697,254
Treasury stock: Not applicable
Date of issue: 1 April 2017

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