16 Apr 2012

Optimised User Experience with Gentrack Velocity Billing and CRM for Utilities

Gentrack, a specialist developer of software for utilities announced today a new release of Gentrack Velocity, its next generation billing and CRM software designed for energy and water utilities globally.

An extensive R&D program delivered from Gentrack’s global headquarters in Auckland has seen the release of a newly optimised Gentrack Velocity billing and CRM system, boasting a set of specialist tools designed to support utilities in an evolving ‘smart utility world’.  James Docking, Gentrack CEO is delighted with the latest product and the growth opportunities globally as utilities are transformed with smart grid technologies, a new generation of customers and the growing benefits of Software as a Service (SaaS) and Cloud computing.

“We’re seeing many of our utility customers investing significantly in Smart Grid and Cloud technologies, and they’re taking the time now to define the evolving role of customers in this new environment.  Our R&D for Gentrack Velocity is driven by a number of factors including the strategies of utilities looking to optimise the performance of their businesses, in particular the processes required to actively bill and service customers in new and innovate ways.  Gentrack Velocity is also designed to support utilities looking to offer value added products to customers and new methods of engaging around energy and water consumption. We’re here to empower utilities to make this happen.”

In addition to an enhanced Smart Billing engine for billing residential customers on smart meters, Gentrack has extended its product billing and CRM capabilities, enabling utilities to diversify their product and service offering.  Specialist CRM capabilities enable the identification of customer segments and suitable product offerings to extend the value and lifetime of customers.

“The traditional utility – customer relationship is undergoing a transformation” said Docking. “Utilities are looking for new ways to engage with customers to build stronger loyalty amongst their customer base and reduce overall costs to serve. Delivering a range of products and services to customers will potentially drive customers to a ‘one stop shop’ for a variety of key products such as telco and broadband along with traditional electricity, gas and water products. Gentrack Velocity has the flexibility to support a myriad of products and pricing structures to enable utilities to deliver on a multi-product strategy.”

This latest software release follows the recent announcement of Gentrack as a Finalist in the ‘NZMEA Exporter of the Year’ category at New Zealand’s Hi-Tech Awards 2012. The award recognises Gentrack’s success on the global stage with a number of key utility and airport projects across Australia, the USA, Pakistan, China, Canada and the UK.  All Hi-Tech Award 2012 winners will be announced in May.

“We’re in an extremely exciting phase of the business” concluded Docking. “Demand is high in utility and airport sectors for specialist software that can actually be delivered when it’s supposed to be.  No one can deny that budgets for large ERP projects are becoming more difficult to secure.  As a value based provider with strong delivery teams in core regions, we are able to deliver in a fraction of the time, cost and risk compared to our major competitors. This point of difference is highly attractive as utilities and airports seek to rapidly transform their businesses and grow in a challenging economic environment”.

Gentrack software is used in over 40 utilities and 100 airports worldwide including Meridian Energy, Genesis Energy, Origin Energy, and International Airports in Sydney, Melbourne, New York and Dublin. Established in 1980 the business has experienced significant growth since deregulation of the energy sectors in New Zealand and Australia, commercialisation of water in Australia and the UK, and growing investment of airports globally in airport productivity, efficiency and revenue management.

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