22 Nov 2022

“Transformation and Change to Improve Customer experience” – Water Working Group

On Wednesday 9 November 2022, we had the opportunity to host our third Water Working Group in our new collaborative office in Melbourne.  

Leading water utilities from around Australia came together to discuss “Transformation and Change to Improve Customer experience” in this hybrid event. There were robust discussions centred around the broad challenges on how to effectively “transform” and focus on delivering great customer outcomes.  

During the first part of the session, we heard from Hunter Water on their smart meter programme; achievements and lessons of past transformations from a Salesforce Accredited Partner; and presented the results from our “Making Waves: transforming the water industry survey.” 

Some of the consistent messages we heard throughout the working group included customer experiences metrics and ensuring these are communicated clearly through a transformation process. This becomes critical in ensuring successful outcomes and this was reiterated in our in-session poll.  

Gentrack presented our g2.0 technology – which provides the end-to-end solutions and flexible platform for businesses to rapidly respond in a dynamic landscape, create leading propositions, and maximise returns on investment. 

Fran Caldwell, Gentrack’s Chief People Officer kicked off the Executive session and gave an overview of the people, talent and culture at Gentrack.  

Richard Dumont, Transformation Program Director at Power and Water Corporation spoke about transformations in the midst of being implemented.  

We were delighted to welcome Eleanor Loudon, CEO of Engineers Without Borders Australia as our keynote speaker. She explained how the not-for-profit organisation is working with Water companies throughout Australia to help drive sustainable water supply solutions to many regions and communities that do not have access to clean drinking water. Once again, this showed the importance of communicating outcome driven goals with the community – including the water companies in the surrounding area and smaller communities that the supply was being implemented for. 

We thoroughly enjoyed hosting our Water partners in our Melbourne office and remotely. 

We are also pleased to report, Gentrack made a donation to WaterAid and Engineers Without Borders on behalf of all online and in person attendees. 

Stay tuned for the next Water Working Group meeting in Melbourne! 

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